Bleaching in Berlin
The way to a bright and shiny smile
A shiny white smile stands for beauty, health and vitality. But over time, teeth darken due to various dyes in our diet. If you want to give your teeth back a fresh white appearance, BLEIBTREU DENTISTS offer you a safe and gentle method to remove unwanted coloring. It is called "dental whitening".
Schedule an appointment online and book your teeth whitening in Berlin!
Consulting on equal footing
Your family dentist in Charlottenburg
Only if we have the consent of parents and, above all, that of the child, can we carry out treatment with necessary calm. Consultation on equal footing also means to discuss concerns and fears with your child beforehand. Your child is the center of attention - not only their teeth, but their character.
Prophylaxis is also important for a child with milk teeth. It is true that milk teeth are replaced by permanent teeth after a few years. However, a destroyed or missing milk tooth is still harmful, because it hinders the straight emergence of permanent teeth. This leads to costly orthodontic follow-up treatments. Decay of milk teeth can also spread to permanent teeth.
In children's prophylaxis, three main things are done: a professional cleaning of the teeth, a joint brushing check and a sealing of the teeth as protection against cavities.
Children's teeth prophylaxis is, by the way, a service provided twice a year by the statutory health insurance (6 to 18 years of age). Of course, we offer all services of the statutory health insurance.
Children's tooth prophylaxis
Preventive care through tooth cleaning and consultation

For bleaching in Berlin at BLEIBTREU DENTISTS, we first analyze your tooth discoloration - depending on the cause, a professional teeth cleaning can lead to brighter teeth.
If bleaching is advisable, we basically offer two options:
So called InOffice bleaching: this means teeth whitening takes place directly in the practice (time required: approx. 90 minutes). We use Philips Zoom for this option.
Home bleaching in Berlin: Here you perform the bleaching at home with specially made bleaching trays (time requirement a few nights).
Bleaching in Berlin
Teeth whitening procedures

Tooth discoloration
The causes
Are you interested in bleaching in Berlin at BLEIBTREU DENTISTS and wondering why your teeth appear dark in the first place? We distinguish between external and internal discoloration of the teeth.
When do I need to take my child to the dentist for the first time?
Your child should have their first checkup no later than 2.5 years of age, when the primary dentition is complete. At BLEIBTREU DENTISTS, we recommend that you take your child to your own examination at any age prior. This way, your child can get a taste of what it's like to visit a dentist and get used to the unfamiliar smells and sounds of a dental surgery.
Why are the milk teeth equally important?
Heavily decayed or missing milk teeth hinder the straight growth of the permanent teeth. This can result in costly orthodontic treatment. Decay of milk teeth can also spread to permanent teeth.
What do I need to consider before my child's first dental checkup?
What is child's teeth prophylaxis?
Before the first examination, please avoid creating negative expectations in your child, for example by promising that it "won't hurt" or that there will be a surprise afterwards. It is best if your child comes with an open mind. This way, we can take advantage of the child's curiosity to make the visit to BLEIBTREU DENTISTS an interesting and pleasant experience.
At BLEIBTREU DENTISTS, we offer a semi-annual children's prophylaxis for our young patients. The teeth and milk teeth are cleaned professionally and together with the child we look at where he or she may need to brush better. From the age of 6, children's prophylaxis is also covered by statutory health insurance. This means that there are no further costs for you.

What needs to be taken care of before and after treatment?
Before a bleaching in Berlin at the BLEIBTREU DENTISTS a dental check-up is useful to check possible medical reasons against a treatment. A few days before bleaching, a professional teeth cleaning is recommended, because the optimal effect is only achieved on perfectly clean teeth.
Pediadric dentistry
Your family dentist in Charlottenburg
The foundation for a life without dental problems can be laid in childhood age. If milk teeth are already well cared for, the conditions for permanent teeth are ideal. Another important factor for sustained good dental health is a trusting relationship with the dentist. Many adults have developed fears of dental visits as a result of bad experiences in childhood. Against this background, the BLEIBTREU DENTISTS are very aware of this responsibility and therefore put emphasis on a stress-free treatment for your children.
In order to support children in their dental care, we offer semi-annual check-ups. During these check-ups, we clean the teeth and look together to see where little patients may have been a little careless.
Children are especially welcome at BLEIBTREU DENTISTS!

Your dentist in Charlottenburg
Our offer for families and kids
Are you looking for a dentist for your children in Charlottenburg? The BLEIBTREU ZAHNÄRZTE surgery is designed to meet the needs of the entire family. We offer:
Children's prophylaxis
Cavity treatment for children
Fissure sealants
Orthodontic treatment
Consultation and combined checkups for parents with kids
If you are looking for a dentist for you and your family in Charlottenburg, we are ready to assist. Get in touch now!
Here you can see results of our treatment
Bleaching in Berlin
Teeth whitening procedures
A shiny white smile stands for beauty, health and vitality. But over time, teeth darken due to various dyes in our diet. If you want to give your teeth back a fresh white appearance, BLEIBTREU DENTISTS offer you a safe and gentle method to remove unwanted coloring. It is called "dental whitening".